Your hair is a statement of style, and affirmation of beauty, and an expression of self love.

—Ademola Mandella

Hey Gorgeous

After working in other salons for 10+ years, Alex has taken everything shes learned, along with her amazing clientele to bring you Alex Kasey Studios! Goodbye to the days of sitting in a stylists chair and being too intimidated to be 100% open and honest with them, resulting in full regret the minute you get home.
Alex Kasey Studios is a boutique studio salon environment ensuring at the beginning of each appointment you will receive an in-depth consultation, going over the look and style you’re trying to achieve, lifestyle, and realistic maintenance schedule to ensure your hair looks as amazing at home, as it does leaving our studio.

Health and Safety policies and procedures related to Covid-19 below.

Alex Kasey studios is operating in compliance with capacity rules and social distancing guidelines along with following rigorous sanitization and cleaning protocols. Please read more about the new policies implemented to keep everyone healthy and safe.

  • Reception area is open please arrive no earlier then 30 mintues to your appointment.
  • Please limit the amount of guest accompanying you to your appointment.
  • Please ensure proper hand sanitization is practiced during your time in the studio. Soap and sanitizer will be available
  • Chairs and heavily used surface areas are clean and sanitized throughly through out the day.
  • Masks are optional for clients and staff. Please bring a spare if you are booked for a color service.

If you or anyone you have been in contact with has been sick in the prior 14 days to your appointment please reschedule for a later date. I will be happy to reschedule you. Your hair can wait, I promise!

follow @alexkaseystudios